Week 21: Surprises

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         This week AOI did few things that really surprised me.

Tuesday, just as we are getting ready for the French playgroup, she climbed to sit in the stroller by herself when she was ready to go. I didn’t have to tell her to sit in there but moreover we didn’t have to play the usual dodge mummy/catch toddler game. She took her teddy bear and happily waited few seconds before I put my trainers on.

And for the rest of the week when she wanted to go out she would just get ready herself {wearing her rain boots} and climb into the stroller then tell me “Outside”

Also this week she didn’t nap in the afternoon couple of days and I was surprised she managed to go through the day without her naps. Not napping in the afternoon was good for when it was time to sleep in the evening but it was not great for me because I couldn’t do much in the day. And in the evening I collapse at the same time as her bedtime.

The biggest surprise was AOI saying “Damn it.” few hours after her daddy has used that expression because he couldn’t turn on the outside pipe.

When we heard her say that with a smile we looked at each eyes wide open. Did we hear right? our eyes questioned. Well we didn’t have to doubt that she was saying that words because she repeated it again couple of times.

“You better be extra careful what you say around her because she is like a sponge, she absorbs words even when you think she is not listening.” I whispered to AMI.

She doesn’t say that word very often but I know it’s part of her vocabulary now, because she is storing words and phrases. Sometimes she says words both in Italian and English which I don’t remember teaching her – I hope not hearing her daddy say that word again will fade from her mind. So I concluded that anything I say she might not repeat it right then but she will repeat it when I least expect her to.


  • Where is AOI among her stuffy friends
  • Enjoying the May spring weather in the garden

Enjoy week 22


Life 'N' Arts