Week 4: Saskatchewan Winter Made Me A Real Canadian

G’day everyone. How was your 4th week of 2013?

My week was busy and I can’t even put my finger on what caused that busyness. Maybe I thought this week was week 5 of 2013.

I’ve been thinking that maybe AOI will grow to think that her mother doesn’t do anything but sits in front of her laptop most hours of the day. With this thought in mind I decided to not use my laptop on Monday. Instead I we read books. It was hard because being a writer/blogger I have to write or at least read what is going on the social media circle.

I phoned my sister in law for a good long chat. Whilst talking, my SIL said something I was agreeing with and in Ghanaian I responded “Haane” meaning “yes”, it a repetitive so AOI started to say the same word while smiling at me. She makes me laugh that little girl of mine. 

Our favourite picture book of the day was Why I Love Canada. whyilovecanada

No French playgroup for us on Tuesday. I was so justified by the weather. It was –30 degrees outside. In the evening we had to meet hubby and some of his colleagues for sushi. I couldn’t find my house/car keys anywhere in my handbag/diaper bag. When AOI went for her afternoon nap, I went up and down the house in search of the keys which I haven’t seen since Saturday. I looked and looked without luck. I came downstairs and something told me to look outside the front door.

Guess what I found?

The keys in the front key hole. Being in cold since Saturday is not fun, but what a good neighbourhood we live in.

Wednesday I was tempted, Tempted to stay indoors because outside was –25 degrees, instead I dressed up AOI in all her winter gear and made our way to the swimming pool. When we got there she was fast asleep, but that didn’t stop me from going on with my plan. Once inside the building the receptionist told us that due for low numbers of life guards the swimming pool was closed to new arrivals. I was so annoyed but happy because I didn’t let my fear for the weather stop me.

AOI had a good nap. I used those hours to edit two chapters of my novel. I am getting excited about it and can’t wait to share it with the world – if they would like to read it. a different perspective

I went to bed around 23:30.

I woke up the following morning at 8:30 – that was 9 long hours sleep. I went to bed at 23:30. When I woke up I couldn’t believe I’ve slept all those hours. My body was numb from too much sleep. That's the longest I've slept since becoming mummy. It was a breakthrough. Both hubby and I hoped it was going to be the first of many good night sleep. That didn’t last, by Friday we were back to six or seven hours sleep, if we go to bed early.

Well, Thursday morning, after all the lazing around, we left late for the indoor playgroup. By the time we got there I was sweating so much, I felt sorry for myself. Getting AOI put her snowsuit on is a battle. She kicks and screams, meanwhile I sweat because I wear my jacket before her. I really wonder how mothers of two or more children do get out of the house.

In the afternoon I decided go take some pictures as an excuse for a ten minutes doze of fresh air. After the battle of dressing up AOI I turned to crab the camera, the next thing I hear is AOI crying. She fell and hit her cheek on the dinning chair. Now she has a bruise on the cheek, another badge of babyhood.AOIbruise

How did older parents managed to bring us up babies into adulthood, did we fall and scratch or bruise our faces? Did we cut our lips? I think God is such a great protector of us all, especially children

Friday was welcomed with joy because we went for lunch with hubby at his ‘posh’ work restaurant. It's a nice place for brunch and happy hour meals :). We were met with his colleague, the one whose child has leukaemia. They are in Toronto for the treatments and little RN is doing well. His daddy was here for a week worth of work meetings and friendship meet-ups (we went to the sushi restaurant thanks to his arrival in city). Can’t wait to have them all back in the city. His wife is pregnant with their second child, due in March.

As I mentioned earlier, the good night sleep ended on Saturday. The night before AOI picked at her dinner. She wanted the peas and some other veggies but wouldn’t eat her abc pasta. Throughout the night she was asking for “Latte, latte”, in the end I had to give her free access to the boob.


Team work is great because after we had our long Saturday breakfast and shower, we all went out of the house before midday. First stop was the farmers market because I was convinced there was a winter festival in town. It did start today but they are still working on some features.wintersaskywintersasky2

Next stop was a free writer's conference in the city. It was a small event but well organised. I felt good being among like minded people. One essay/presentation inspired me to write better. The writer said that her writing is simply grasping straws of words overhead around in her every day life and weaving them into something plausible. Another writer commented that, though he was born and raised in Vancouver, he has never felt Canadian until this weekend thanks to Saskatchewan winter.

On this note, I would like to ask my Canadian families to come experience Saskatchewan winter if they want to be real Canadians, not because the passport say so but because they felt Saskatchewan winter cold in the bones.

For dinner we were invited to some friend's house. I was detoxing but the roast beef made me sabotage my detoxing plan. I will restart tomorrow.

Another bad sleep for AOI. Just before I went to sleep last night I went into her room to double check if her temperature is right. She woke up and never slept well. All she wanted, throughout the night, was this "latte, latte". For this reason we skipped church. We were tired from yesterday's activities, and the lack of good sleep.adifferentperspectivequestions: When you are going out with your child/children, how do you manage get out of the house in time and without sweat? When did your child/children started sleeping through the night?

Have a great week 5 Smile


Life 'N' Arts