Week 1

Good Monday everyone!

Hope the first week of 2013 went by okay. It was a busy one for our family. We returned back to our daily routine. Going to playgroup and re-writing the novel between naps and hubby preparing his first lectures for the term ahead.

Well, on 30th Dec. we got together with some friends for a potluck. After lunch we went outside to play in the snow with the kids. It was so much fun. I love playing like a kid.funtime

On New Year’s Eve, we went to Table Mountain ski resort. Against all better judgement I snowboarded. snowboardingThis sport has been on my Canadian wish list since 2010. It was one of the reasons I wanted to move to this overly cold province of Canada. So, I am happy I got to try it in my early thirties.

It was hard balancing and turning on the slopes. I fell many times but I laughed and got up again and retried. By the end of the day I was still a lost case, but with even more determination to go back on the board. This week I practiced my balance and focus on my Wii board, it’s nothing compared being on the slopes but it’s a good training.

This weekend hubby had to work because he has some papers to mark. We only spent the evenings together, and we talked and banned laptops from the bed.

Saturday, while he was at work, AOI and I took down the Christmas tree. Sunday we went to the zoo with AOI’s friend and her mother. we enjoyed walking and jogging to prevent ourselves from freezing. we took some pictures. I love this picture of the lion. Isn’t he cute?!zoolion

AOI and C like each other’s company so it is fun to get together.

how was your first week of the year?


Life 'N' Arts