The Book: Musings on Mothering

i am sooooo EXCITED to announce that I am a published author!!!musingsonmothering

image via edited by me

some of my poems and photographs are featured in Musings on Mothering, an anthology which celebrates motherhood/parenthood!

there are so many empowering, uplifting and soulful artworks, prose and poems by mothers and fathers featured in this anthology which promises to become a classic, because as long as there are mothers in the world we all need words of empowerment.

the writing is accessible and relatable. 

i love Motherhood a poem which tells the story of a new mother, the fears of the initial role and the falling in love with this role called motherhood.

you van listen and view some of the work in this promotional clip.

NOT BECAUSE i am featured in this book but i believe it is a book to keep on your library shelf as you walk through this journey called motherhood/parenthood.


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and you can pre-order at discounted price of £10.99 through this store {THE OFFER ENDS TODAY} but please contact me more details on late purchase with pre-order price.

hurray to motherhood/parenthood!!!



Life 'N' Arts