Our Weekend: Antique Shopping

hello Tuesday and my lovelies,

another week here, eh? well, friday evening we went to a party in a lovely apartment overlooking the river. bare windows, open hard wooden flooring. minimalist decor. i wanted so bad to snap some pictures but i couldn’t bring myself to do so because, well i didn’t want to look like a villager. but inside my village-non-cool girl was kicking the non-village-cool girl.

well, i left hubby at the party to go put AOI to bed, we are trying our best with some sort of bed time routine.

in the name of old days, hubby and some friends went for drinks after the party. but in the name of new days the following day he had hangover, the older you get the less your body can stand alcohol. he was in bed most of Saturday morning.

AOI and I went for a long walk, on our way back we saw a backyard sale. i went home and got the car and hubby. we went to purchase these itemsantique1antique2antique3

i want to revamp them and use them for my home decor. will show you once everything is done.

on our way home i drove on a bumpy road, that didn’t help hubby’s delicate state, so he had to walk. by the evening he was beginning to feel well.

Sunday we flew to Toronto, hubby has a conference in Niagara Falls. westjetwe are lucky to be able to visit the falls from the Canadian boarder. we viewed it more than ten years ago from the American side.

well, i will update you on the trip when we get back, in the meantime enjoy the rest of the week.

Ciao, ciao

p.s: how was your weekend? anything nice?


Life 'N' Arts