Letter To AOI

WEEK 17 - [24-03]

Dear amore di mamma,
this week was the week of milestones for you. Tuesday you had your fourth month vaccination – three shots. You cried but not for too long. You slept for most of the afternoon, you were fine by the time daddy came back home from work.
Wednesday we went to the swimming pool alone, our friends didn’t come to the usual pool. The same evening, whilst we were preparing our dinner, I you roll from your back to your front and then front to your back again. Daddy couldn’t believe it but you did that again. You wanted your pacifier. That was incredible to see.
You can sit down without support for few minutes. You are trying to lift yourself to sit and every time I take you lift you up you pill yourself off the seat. You’ve been practicing your walking movements and you do lots of crawling movements when you are lying on your front. I also noticed that you reaches out to your cloth and mirror board books. clothbook
You respond so well to your Ghanaian name. I call you with both your first and second name because I want you to learn and like them both.
Today you tasted a piece of banana and a clementine. It was so funny to watch you. You are so ready to start eating some solid food. Hopefully next week we will introduce something, with the help your auntie N. – yes, your favourite auntie is in town, you smiled so big as soon as you saw her at the airport. She brought you such lovely outfits, I can’t wait to try them on you :).

WEEK 18 - [31-03]
Another week that flew away too fast. It was just two days ago that your favourite aunt was here. She left on Wednesday morning. I am sure you don't remember and you might think she was just in your dream because now when you see on the Skype you smile and want to hold the computer. In fact you grab everything you see me holding. You want to type on the computer and other times you try to push it to the floor.
Today you slept a lot because I think you are feeling under the weather a little, your nose was running or your teeth are coming, you are dribbling bubble saliva. Also you wanted to be close to me, but now you are your normal self again laughing and being chatty angel. You have the most beautiful laugh ever, yeah you are laughing properly.
You have your own rough bedtime routine. Daddy plays some BritPop such as Radiohead on his guitar or classics on the piano. you like to listen to him and he likes to have a great fan like you. Sometimes you join in the piano playing.pianowithAOI
This week's bedtime story is the Secret Message by Mina Javaherbin last week’s was Up. You like when I read to you, I like reading to you because I am practising reading to an audience.
Normally you fall asleep while feeding around 21:00 or 21:30 and sleep for about two and half hours. When you wake up you want a change and a feed then you sleep until 3:30am or 4:30am. I change your cloth diaper then feed you. You sleep again until 6:30am or 7:30am, circa because sometimes you want a little bit more after that feed.
Other times you sleep from 21:30 until early morning. Either way I don't mind because you give me plenty of time to relax during the day.
However, I always feel like I need to do something – writing – to justice the free time  you allow me. You are truly a great baby.

This evening you fell asleep at 22:00 – I believe that was cause by the fact that you slept very well during the afternoon. Because you couldn’t sleep daddy sung Les Miserables songs to entertain you. Right now you are sleeping beautifully, you might sleep through until early morning so I better fall asleep too :).
Tutto il mio amore x 2,



Life 'N' Arts