Week 38: Exciting

AOI and RN learning art

Finally I have the chance to update week 38.

  • last Monday I realised some days are busy than others. I planned to do three things that day but I ended up doing two. Go to the bank, buy French books for my course and go swimming. Did the first two and on our way to the swimming I asked AOI if she wanted to go swimming or home she said home. So i drove home, when I got home she said swimming, so I drove towards the swimming pool but once on the highway I checked and saw she was sleeping. I drove back home and put her in her crib for a long nap. When she woke up we chilled in the house playing with Moosy {the moose}


  • Tuesday French playgroup started. This year I can feel I am going to be good with my spoken French. After the playgroup I went to meet with the new writer in residence. I am writing a query letter and I want to work with her to get my story into the world.

In the evening I went to my very first French class. I am so excited about learning. Why am I learning French? Because I would like to communicate in French with the other mothers who speak French at French playgroup and hopefully if one day AOI decides to carry on studying French we can speak together. 

During French class it hit me that it was my first time back to a classroom since I left university late 2009. I miss studying and maybe one day I will be an Italian teacher/educator, creative writing or literature.

I found out that the more I want to learn French the more I want to hold onto my Italian language.

After French class, I joined AMI and AOI at a friend's house who hosted a get together dinner. I wonder how some people keep their houses so spotless. I want a cleaner.


  • Wednesday AOI and I went to another French playgroup at the library. After lunch AOI had a nap during which time I worked on my blog. In the evening i attended the book launch of our new writer in residence


  • Thursday we didn’t go to playgroup because I went to see the midwife with AOI. She didn’t freak out too much when the midwife wanted to hear the baby heartbeat. She helped me clean the belly and gave a kiss to her little sibling. She is so much in love with the belly. After the appointment we stopped at a playground but it was too cold so went home after 20 minutes.

In the evening I went to my writer's group. One of the writers in the group just got her book published. We are so happy for her because the story she penned needed to be told. It's about alcoholism, outlaw biker and redemption. It’s just inspiring.

  • Friday we went to the art gallery with R and his mother. When it was time to go she started to cry and didn’t want to leave. She was tired but yet she was willing to play a little bit longer. It was hard to go but she needed her nap.

In the afternoon we went to the park with C and her mom. It was such a wonderful late afternoon with the autumn sun shimmering over our little girls. I hope these months will be cherished by both girls one day.

After playdate we joined daddy for a date at a Thai restaurant. Going to the restaurant with a tired toddler is such an adventure. I really need a babysitter.

In the evening she told daddy about her day “I see R and frisbee and …” some other words I believe I would have understood if I was in the room with her.

  • Saturday morning we joined R's mom and other people for a walk to raise funds for Children's Wish charity. I am going to do it every year as long as I have health. They gave us lunch.

In the afternoon we went to buy few toys for AOI, the animal farm and alphabet and numbers magnetic. She loves them. After that we spent the rest of the afternoon in the library. When it was time to go our daughter didn't want to go and leave the library toys there, lol. We had to remind her of her own toys at home.

  • Sunday morning we didn't go to church because I had to volunteer at the my local Word on the Street Festival. I was assigned to assist Melanie Schnell and Robin and Arlene Karpan, three of the well known authors of Saskatchewan. I was more

I was happy to be surrounded by great authors like Yann Martel (Life of Pi), Guy Gavriel Kay (River of Stars), Will Ferguson (419), Alice Kuipers (40 Things I want to tell you), Michael Smith (Back to Basis), Janet and Greta Podleski (The Looneyspoons Collections). It's so inspiring.

We stayed until half past two, then went to do our weekly food shopping. After that I went to listen to Alice Kuiper announce the Teen Writing Competition Winners.

Sunday evening, when I returned from the Word on The Street Festival, I had to talk to myself to calm down from the excitement. It felt wonderful being surrounded by wonderful people who loved literature and made it possible for us to enjoy it.

It was such an exciting week and thinking about it makes me smile

Some stills

AOI moosy

AOI moosy 2

art gallery

AOI and RN

at the art gallery

  • Moosy (the moose) had its own train blok
  • AOI teaches Moosy how to play
  • the art gallery
  • AOI and RN playing peekaboo at the cafe in the art gallery
  • beautiful sculpture, very interesting

and 38 week iPhone Photo DumpWeek 38 iphone photo dump


Life 'N' Arts