Week 37–Busy Again

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         The week was another full on week. My mind officially switched from vacation mood to work mood.

Monday swimming, on the way back home AOI asked

“Mummy, how about story of Edward the elephant and the Wonder Pets?” I told her about how the Wonder Pet had to fly all the way to India to encourage Edward the elephant to swim because he was scared of the water. She is so much into stories these days.

Tuesday AOI didn’t want to leave the house. Instead, she loved playing with her teddies and mega bloks. She also had a long two hours nap. After snack we went to pick daddy and then went food shopping. I prepared homemade pizza for dinner. Hubby loved it because I haven't made home pizza or bread in a long while.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Today AMI went to Hamilton, Ontario for work. He’ll be back on Friday. I really like it when I have some me time after AOI is sleeping in the night so I was not so sad when he was away, but I still missed him.

Around 10:20am I wanted to take AOI out for a walk but she didn't want to go. I had to tell that her teddies needed a walk. She is happy to go for walks for her teddies’ sake. I really wanted to go to the park so I talked to her on the way. I met a mother who looks like my potential future gym buddy. She has three kids 5 years, 3 years and 5 months old. She was so nice and friendly, she asked my phone number {I am going to text her this Wednesday for a meet in the park}

In the afternoon, after AOI’s nap, we went to C's house. AOI took her bucket and shovel to show her friend, we forgot them there.

Thursday was busy, we returned to playgroup. AOI and mummy

It felt like going back to school for me. I had butterflies in the stomach because we were going to see many of the children and mothers we haven’t seen since the end of May.
AOI enjoyed playing along side the other children for two hours. I really thought she would be tired but when we got home she didn’t want to have a nap. We went for a walk. Had lunch, read books but nothing. She was excited and wanted to play the all afternoon. I managed to put her to sleep just before two o’clock. She slept until I woke her up just past 5pm. It was such a bad idea, that night she didn’t go to bed until half past ten.

Friday we took it easy. We went for a quick walk around the block, the rest of the day was spent playing with teddies, building mega bloks castles and reading books. AMI returned from his work trip late Friday night.

The following day when AOI saw her daddy, she didn’t leave his side. In the afternoon we went to a potluck organised by the Ghanaian community. We had a nice time in the park with so many people.

Yesterday, after church the whole congregation had lunch together. It was wonderful to come home without having to cook lunch. After AOI’s nap we took her park. Hubby had the wonderful idea to take AOI’s bicycle with us. After practicing riding her bike in the house for so many months she was happy to pedal outside in the open air.

It was one of those wonderful busy weeks.



Life 'N' Arts