Our Weekend: Sweat Lodge

hello december! good monday everyone!
my weekend starts on friday! so, friday as soon as we checked the balance in our bank accounts i wanted new onesies and pjs for AOI. we drove AMI to work then on our way back we hit the stores. in the end we bought new books, new pjs, a crib music toy, the coolest outfit for my little nephew and a pair of mummy jeans for me.
Christmas songs and the mess in the stops made me wanna buy christmas gifts. but i want to wait a little before i go crazy about presents.
once back home we sat on the floor to read. while i read AOI hugged and patted on my shoulders once in while. she makes me laugh.readtogether

Saturday, we spent the morning chillaxing, writing while keeping the corners of our eyes on AOI playing between the living room and kitchen/dining area. we had bolognese and pasta for lunch. soon after meal I got ready for a writer's workshop happening in our downtown library. the workshop was about writing for young adults. meanwhile hubby worked on his computer while AOI took a nap. when she woke up they went to browse the children section. he told me it’s a nice place to be because AOI can run around like many other children do. maybe we will go there more often instead of our local library.

sunday we went to a sweat lodge for a friend's healing ceremony.
it’s about one and half hours from our city. we’ve never being to a Cree reserve, all i saw was just a modest house with a vast land. i felt so blessed being there and the ceremony was such a therapeutic and body and mind cleansing experience.

i feel whole, at peace within and hopeful with the future – and imagine i sat just two rounds of four rounds. hubby did the other two - we took turns to be with AOI out of the lodge, we didn’t want her to be overly hot. next time i am going to do all four rounds and hopefully AOI can try one round. there was a little boy of about 18 months there and some of the ladies told me that their children went in the lodge when they were little as two days old.
it makes sense that anyone, unless you are intolerant to extreme heat, can enter the lodge because the function of the sweat lodge is a re-enactment of a return to our mother womb-like experience.
the Cree shaman is our friend's father in law, he's 80 years – but looks like 65 years old – his an experienced shaman. he is such a nice and humble man. we didn't pay anything to go into the sweat and after the ceremony we all ate as one big family.

by the time we decided to leave for home the snow had started to settle. AOI fell asleep about twenty minutes into the journey. hubby said pointed out that it felt like driving on the ocean. i was glad he drove slowly and kept his cool even when some drivers over took us like possessed.
we saw two cars in the ditch. our friends, who were driving in front of us, saw the two cars going into the ditch right in front of them. Luckily the people in ditch were okay. we got home sound and safe.

hope your weekend was fun. have a great week


Life 'N' Arts