The Surprise Party...

…was a success!

I am still excited for how things turned out yesterday. I am so grateful for everyone who contributed in making the day a success.

Initially I used my memories suite to design an invitation card for a party on Saturday but hubby had a student conference to attend to. I was reminded of the event on Sunday, therefore I quickly corrected the date on Monday and sent out the new invitation card.invitation I invited about 35 people – that’s the small number I was talking about, LOL. I didn’t think about the space I just wanted nice people around us. Thank goodness only 21 adults + 5children + 1newborn turned up.

Saturday morning as soon as AMI left the house I called one of my friends to prepare me an Ethiopian stew. Soon afterward my great helper, the wife of one of the accomplices, came to my house. Together we prepared pizza, baked bread, mushroom tart and cheese ball. party6She offered to bake one of her special dishes potatoes and cheese, past salad and dips such as hummus and guacamole.party5

We knew AMI was coming back at five o’clock, but we gave room for an early return. By four o’clock we had everything done, the house was cleaned up and I was eating my last piece of pizza when AMI entered the kitchen. My friend was ready to go so we just said “It was nice having you here for a girly chat.” She has a two and half old boy so the lie worked out alright.

Yesterday was a busy afternoon, full of adrenaline. At midday my accomplices, two friends of AMI, invited him for a sunny afternoon ice skate. He asked me what I was going to do. I played it casual and told him I was going to organise some pictures on my laptop. My heart was racing all the time. As soon as he left the house I brought out all the party items – disposable plates and cutlery. I held AOI in one hand and vacuumed the place with the free hand.

12:15 my helper brought the food, drinks and her extra food. She prepared a lovely chocolate cake with cream and strawberry/blueberry topping – check out the concentration of the little girls’.party4She also baked muffins.

The guests arrived on time. By ten past one everyone was in our living room or helping in the kitchen or entertaining AOI. We were I was all excited, I was waiting for him to come any moment from half past one. The men brought beers, the women brought fruit, salami and bocconcini appetisers and more dessert. We put some of the drinks in the ice outside to chill.party1

Finally around 13:45 the birthday boy came to find the whole of his office colleagues and my friends in our living room.party2

AOI was very good the whole time. She cried a little when a balloon popped and people started to laugh loudly. But all in all she wanted to be part of the fun. She fell asleep when they left at around half past four.

The loveliest scene was the little girls getting all excited to see the two little babies – they are six weeks old different in age.

Hubby enjoyed the day and he later asked what did he do to deserve such wonderful party and lovely people around him. He is a good husband and a good person, that’s what he did to deserve all this.

It was a success because people helped me with their time and energy. Also the guests presence made the atmosphere jovial. We feel really blessed to have wonderful people around us.


Life 'N' Arts