More Skating

We went to church after three weeks away from it. It was a nice sermon, but I couldn’t listen to it because I had to go and feed AOI. She fell asleep soon afterward.
After the service we invited few friends to go for lunch. After lunch they joined us for a skate on a frozen pond. There were many young family and couples skating. I believe there was a party going on. It is just beautiful to witness such contrasting atmosphere here in my city. It seems like everyone knows how to skate in the winter and canoe in the summer. There were very good little skaters, they sure start very young.
After the lovely skate which I really can’t wait to join in next year, our friend invited us for a barbeque at her house.
It was a long lazy Sunday in my city, because I didn’t do anything. I just observed and enjoyed the good company.


Life 'N' Arts