For me Mondays are made for slowly easing ourselves back into the weekly routine. The difference is that since the beginning of the year AMI has been working from home more often. We have to learn to combine our schedules. I had to return something to BabiesRus, I used some for the refund to buy a doctor kit and a doll pram for AOI, she loves her pram and wants to take it all over the house. In the afternoon I went to pamper myself, I did pedicure and manicure in preparation for baby’s arrival; just like I did when I was waiting for AOI. Over the weekend I mentally planned our last date as a family of three on Tuesday. We did exactly that, we went to the swimming pool, then bought a pizza and focaccia at our favourite bakery/restaurant in town. We had lunch at home. I used AOI’s nap time to write and reply to all the emails I’ve been delaying in completing. Meanwhile AMI went to a work meeting.
Inside I felt the urge to write a letter to my little girl as she was becoming a big sister within eight days. So I used the rest of the evening to pen that letter. It was getting late so AMI told me that maybe we should go sleep. To which I said “Baby could be here tomorrow, you know?” I carried on browsing internet and checking my social networks without any care in this world.
As I was lying on the bed I felt baby tense and then suddenly plop – my water broke around half past ten. One hour later contractions began. Things went by so fast, {birth story with come sometimes in 2014}, by half past six, of Wednesday morning, we had another baby in our family. Life as four began.
It’s so funny how we’ve easily adapted to life as family of four. AMI is taking paternity leave, it’s wonderful to have that extra help during this period. AOI does many activities with daddy and Thursday he took her back to playgroup. Friday the midwives came to visit Mr. T, who is doing well.
To our surprise AOI so adorable and want to be close to her little brother. She includes him in our fantastic adventures. In her imaginary world she’s Crocodile, I’m Octopus, daddy is Bear and baby brother is Car. She wants to introduce her animals to her brother – but little boy loves his sleep. She asks about baby when she doesn’t see him and she naturally says “T. I love you.” When he cries she feels bad and we tell her not to worry because baby want to eat or be changed and he’s not hurting. I try to capture these moments but not always I have my camera or iPhone at hand. So I picture them in my brain for when I have the chance to write them.
All the above said, we still worry about AOI feeling left out or feel some kind sibling rivalry, we’re on shells when it comes to the words we use to talk about Mr.T. We don’t want her to feel as if mummy doesn’t have the time for her anymore. The first night, as a family of four, she wanted me in her room during bedtime routine. She’s done this before Mr. T was born but husband was worried that maybe she was showing some signs of clinginess due to the new arrival. So as soon I finished feeding Mr. T I went into my little-big girl’s room, gave a big cuddle and sat on the chair next to the door until she fell asleep.
In my opinion we shouldn’t create a problem where there might not be, but must enjoy the simple things that make our everyday life special, like
taking a break on the purple doll pram
drawing daddy for the first time {her own work of art, see the eyes, mouth and daddy’s blond hair}
daddy cuddling sleepy Mr. T
going for walks as family of 4 and snapping a toddler with a thump up
Have a thumps up week 4 of 2014