Week 2 of 2014 I was in the nesting mood. AOI used the car seat for her sleepy sheep and brother bear.
I felt the urge to wash all the baby clothes, bedding and car seat insert. I thought a lot about how baby could come any day, but I prayed for him to come on January 19th, for no particular reason but just that it would be nice to have him over the weekend. Couple days this daddy had to go back to work for some meetings. I tried to be more present with AOI we had chance to read more and play with her toys. I didn’t use my laptop until she fell her nap time. I enjoyed give her cuddles and playing pretend games with her.
When she wanted a break from our play time together, she read, which means paraphrasing or reciting the words of the stories in the books we read to her, everywhere she could find a space to sit or stand. She also spent hours in the basement inventing stories for her farm animals.
I went to the chiropractor, practiced my photography skills and went to the library for hour an hour. In the afternoon, when the babysitter arrived, I revised a chapter of my novel. I’ve been hinting about my novel for too long and I believe the time is getting closer for when I share with you all an excerpt. But right now my mind is all about getting ready for baby boy.
Saturday I had all day writer’s workshop, daddy took AOI to story time at the library and then we all met for a quiet afternoon at home.
How was your week?