Week 45: First Winter Snow

AOI 2013 first winter snowUntil the first signs of the cold weather, back in October, I had this romantic vision of snow and winter in Saskatchewan. I smelled the fresh icy snow in the air, bright sun shining, ice skating, cross country skiing and my daughter playing happily in the cold wet snow. All wrapped up warm in our heavy coats.

For some reason the downside of having snow was totally wiped out of my mind like the chilly sensation I felt after giving birth naturally to my daughter.

When it snows car windows get frosted inside and outside. We have to scrap the snow off and defrost the ice. I drive with my shoulders raised like a dog on the edge, because I have to be careful with the brakes and the other drivers around on the icy roads. Our car needs snow tires, I have to wrap up warm my toddler who doesn't care about warm jackets and kicks off the snow boots and wouldn't mind wearing canvas trainers. Yet we manage to do it and get out of the house.

As annoying as snowy winters can be, the frosted trees are pretty and romantic to view from afar.

first frosty trees

The first proper winter snow, the one that stays on the ground, started to fall on Sunday night. When we woke up we found snow everywhere. So AOI and I stayed indoors, also people had a little temperature. Tuesday we ventured out to the French playgroup. On Wednesday we stayed indoors again because AOI had her nose congested and was coughing a little.

Thursday we went to our local indoor playground. After that we had lunch and took AOI to do an ultrasound to check if her kidney are alright. Her orthopaedist advised us to that due to her left hand. The ultrasound showed that there is nothing wrong with her kidney.

Friday afternoon we went to play in the backyard and clean the snow off the car with AOI’s help. AOI playing in the snow

AOI scraping snow off the car

In the evening we went to AMI's colleague's house for dinner. He and his family are going back to Israel after two years in Canada. If you follow me for some time you may remember that back in 2012 they found out that their first born had leukaemia. The little boy went through his therapy successfully and now he is doing very well.

It's sad to think that they are leaving Canada but we are happy for them. I'm going to try to keep up our friendship with them.

Saturday I went to have Italian conversation with the lady who wants to improve hers. AMI was supposed to take AOI to story time at the library but she fell asleep so he tried to go buy something at Home Depot but he couldn’t because she was fast asleep. So he came to wait for me. When I finished the tutorial we went to Walmart and Home Depot to buy the items he needs to build something for AOI’s birthday present. I want to wait to see the end result.

Sunday after church we went to lunch together with some friends. It was the birthday lunch for UN, my husband colleague who is leaving for Israel. AOI was so sleepy she couldn’t keep her pre-sleep moody state at bay. It’s hard to witness but we couldn’t do much about it until we left the restaurant. She fell asleep as soon as we set our feet out the door. She had one of those long naps. In the meantime we catch up with Breaking Bad. I can’t wait to find out who wins between Hank and Walt.

Enjoy week 46

playing in the snow


Life 'N' Arts