Our Christmas holidays began with the longest lie in on Monday.
AOI woke up around 8:30 and when she came in our bed to cuddle me she didn’t urge us to go downstairs for breakfast. She wanted us to tell her stories. Her creativity went wild and she told us that our bed is the big ship and one of her books lying on the floor is an octopus. Around us is all water and we have to swimming when we get out of bed.
After breakfast we went to the swimming pool as family of three - I don't remember when we last went together as a family. We had fun. For lunch we had a MacDonald's drive thru meal and drove daddy to work.
We went back home and AOI fell asleep around 3:20pm after reading two books to her I pretended to sleep and she recited the lines she knows by heart until she fell asleep.
When she woke up we went to pick daddy from work and went to the mall. I bought few things for hubby's Christmas gift. The previous Sunday I bought one of the best gifts I've ever purchased for hubby. I was very excited about that.
At the mall we saw the same Santa I took AOI to have her first Santa picture with last year. We pointed him out to her but she was more interested in a toy Santa than the human one. I love the Santa at this mall because he looks so real and that makes me believe in the magic of Santa.
Tuesday morning AOI was excite, she wanted to go to the French playgroup but we weren't going to go because it was over for the Christmas holidays. Towards the evening we built a snow blob.
AOI was happy for her two big gifts a tent and an easel. She can’t get enough of them.
Scenes from our Christmas day
we watched Peter Pan, Mary Poppins and Elf. After AOI’s nap we all dressed up nicely and had our Christmas lunch together and exchanged gifts
Thursday snow sledding with C and her mum. It looked such fun I wanted to sled too. I have to wait to do that after baby. That will a way to bounce back to my fit self.
Friday was made for total relaxation.
Saturday AOI and I went to the swimming pool with C and her mom. it was our last swimming date of 2013. We really enjoyed it and hope to do more swimming in the coming year.
In the evening we went to have a meal together with some friends. I ate so much I'm sure I've put on weight.
Sunday we went to church, after that we had lunch with D and S and did some clothes shopping for AOI. In the evening I received a coat I bought for her on etsy but I don't like the way it fits for her so I'm about returning to exchange it but hubby thinks I don’t have because it’s okay. I’m torn on this.
I hope your 52 weeks in 2013 were all in all nice and memorable.