This week I was tired. Okay, not the whole week but the couple of days I felt tired seemed like weeks. Though AOI started sleeping through the night again, I wasn’t sleeping well. I guess my body got used to waking up during the night to comfort AOI and use the bathroom.
Anyways, enough blah blah blah.
Monday, we had first snow of the year but it didn't attach the ground. Stayed in, and after a long hiatus from sewing craft, I sewed a cover for the changing mat. I'm proud of my hard work, poor quality but still fun to do. Every time AOI sees the cover she says “Mummy made it for me.” It makes me happy to hear her say that.
The whole of last week AOI kept on saying that for Halloween she wanted to wear pajamas, of course I believed her because she is a little person with her opinions or can I say it convenient for me to believe that. Anyway for the French playgroup we all agreed to dress the children in their costumes.
Tuesday I asked AOI what she wants to wear.
"Pajamas" was her answer. I really thought it was fun idea because she would be a character from Peter Pan. So we get ready for the Halloween theme playgroup. As we are about to leave the house she complains "I want to wear a shirt" I changed her to pajamas into ordinary outfit. Before putting her jacket on I asked her if she wanted to do pee-pee, but she didn’t want to. So because we are in the phase of potty training I took the risk to not put her diaper on. As I was getting the keys and my hand bag said “Pee-pee”, but it was too late. She had an accident and I had to change her again. Ah, the beautiful of motherhood.
Wednesday I was tired. I was sad that we decided to not use the child minder. So, in the morning I had the great idea to reorganise my clothes for autumn/winter. By eleven thirty I was so tired. Soon after snack I read to AOI and while I was dozing off she took all her Sesame Street alphabet books out the shelf. After a while she came to curl next to me to sleep, but not without complaining couple of times saying "I don't want to sleep". After which she fell asleep straight away. Gosh, it's so easy for her to sleep completely within seconds.
Thursday, at the playgroup all the children wore their Halloween costume. In the morning I drove to Walmart to buy a costume for AOI. Initially she wanted a ladybird costume but she changed her mind when she saw an elephant costume. The whole day she didn't want to take the costume off. I had my writers' group, so hubby said he would take her to trick or treat with some friends but when he got back home from work it was raining so they didn't go. Well, maybe next year because she is still young anyway.
AOI supervising daddy make her booster chair
Friday we were supposed to go visit a friend but she was busy so we didn't. We did the usual routine we do when we don’t go out. I tried to relax as much as possible. The whole week AMI was going work early because he had to do some field work. Friday afternoon he got home early and he decided to do a booster chair for AOI. In the afternoon, after AOI’s nap she painted her chair.
Saturday AMI and AOI went to storytime at the library. I went to tutor in Italian. After that we went to lunch organised for RN and his parents. They are going back to Israel on November 13th. We are going to miss them so much. It was wonderful to see many other friends.
Sunday when we woke up AOI had the temperature so we decided to not go to church. AMI decided to clean the house and when a man decides to do something he really gets things done properly. The kitchen is so organise and he decided to organise the basement because he bought AppleTV and this winter our plan is spend many hours in the basement.
The first proper winter snow started falling Sunday evening. Few months ago I was wishing for winter but right now I’m not too sure.
Have a happy week 45