Maybe, I’m getting old or do you become nostalgic when you hear some songs too? Maybe I should start writing short stories inspired by all the music that take me back in time.
I heard Dreams by The Cranberries on Saturday, while we were chilling out in the living room after a busy day. It took me back to when my sister, who lived in Canada at the time, would record a tape cassette with what she’s been up to during the month and send it to me. Was just my family who recorded cassettes to send to family members abroad or did anyone else did that?
What can I say that is difference from last week?
Well, this week we had more sleep. I decided that my curfew should be half past ten and that worked. However, the more hours I slept the more I wanted to sleep. Pregnancy body, what can I say.
Also, I believe I’m losing my memory’s capacity because I can’t recall what we did on Monday. My mind is blank, completely. I don’t know where to turn to get a glimpse of what we did on that day. I guess we didn’t do nothing important, but I resolve to start recording short anecdotes of our daily activities on my iPhone.
Tuesday we went to the French playgroup. On our way back home AOI fell asleep, when we got home I woke her up because I wasn’t attentive while getting her jacket off. She didn’t have a nap anymore. We spent the rest of the afternoon as a grumpy toddler and a tired mummy because AOI wanted to be picked up every time I had to do something in the kitchen.
Later on in the afternoon she came to colour in my studio too.
Wednesday was windy but I still took AOI to the other French bilingual group because going out of the house is good for us. After that we went to a consignment shop and I bought a rocking horse which I hope will be a family heirloom.
We were supposed to go to the swimming pool with C and her mom, but we cancelled because C had an infection in her mouth. Poor little girl, she couldn’t eat due to that.
I phoned a potential day care for AOI, I’m freaking out about the idea of taking her to a day care couple days a week but I also think it will be go for both of us to have a break from each some days during the week. I’ve said this before, but I hope going to a day care will make her understand that she can be with other children without me be around and that I will go and pick her to have more fun together when we get home.
Thursday we didn’t go to our local playgroup because AOI had a very chest cough during the night, also her nose was blocked and runny. I didn’t want her to get more ill. We stayed in and read books and play with the toys. Mid-morning we went to the doctor to make sure AOI didn’t have anything serious. After that went to see the midwife.
Friday we went winter clothes shopping at Winners. I mainly bought things for baby #2 and a puzzle set for AOI. I’m getting excited about putting things together read for baby Mango. In just three baby will be in my our arms.
Saturday morning AMI took AOI to story time at the library and I went to tutor a lady who wants to practice her Italian. It was so nice talking in Italian with somebody. We have another tutoring schedule for next week. When I got home I boiled tortellini for lunch. AMI and AOI got home soon after me. We need milk so went to Walmart, on the way AOI fell asleep so once there I went into the story by myself and apart from the milk I purchased few items for AOI’s winter wardrobe.
I also re-arrange the living to look a little bit cosy for the autumn.
Sunday for church I dressed AOI in her new pink Ralph Lauren outfit. Her father decided to wear something pink too and him encouraged me to find something pink to wear. In the end we all looked like candies, but at church a lady complimented our outfits saying “You all look like straight from a catwalk.” That was too kind of her.
never let your husband help you pose your child for a photo!
Last week I decided to wear some heels I purchased while in Italy during our 2012 European holidays. I don’t know why but I’ve never worn them and wearing them made me feel stylish. They are handmade in Italy and they are most comfortable heels I’ve worn in years.
Talking about style, this week for It’s Fall link up we have to share our autumn style inspiration. I believe my favourite autumn item are these boots. When I wear them I know autumn is in full “bloom”, so this week I took some portraits in my current favourite autumn fashion pieces
and for cutie AOI, depending how could is outside
all photos edited with Photoshop Element 10 and Color Pop through LiveWriter
iPhone Photo Dump