Hello Monday! How was your week 11?
Today the sun is shinning but the temperature is between –13* and –26* outside.DO you remember this song by the *NSync?
That’s the first song that came up when I selected Girls Just Wanna Have Fun on Songza. It was fun to go back to the 90s with them. I am really enjoying this free music stream.
Well, yesterday we didn’t go anywhere. AOI was so bored she pushed down all her books from the shelf. I wanted to take her in the garden but it was snowing and I didn’t want to spend thirty minutes getting ready to just stay five minutes like we did on Saturday. So we stayed indoors while outside was snowing away.
The rest of the week was made of the usual activities.
- Tuesday French playgroup.
- Wednesday morning we had a lie in. AOI woke up few minutes before me and she wanted her porridge right away. Meanwhile I was stretchy my old bones. My daughter looked at me as to say “How lazy are you mummy?”
I was tired this day and I was about to call it off our play date appointment but in the end we walked to C’s house in the afternoon. It was a good dose of fresh air. My friend and I took the little girls to the playground. We were feeling happy and laughing.
- Thursday was playgroup , got there just in time for snack.
- Friday, another good sleep, because I went to bed early. We went to the swimming pool. When we got there AOI was asleep but I woke her up. It was fun, fun, fun. She wanted to jump and let go of me. She is getting into her confident self in the water again. A daddy pointed her determination to jump into the water to his child who didn’t want to do that.
I really had fun with her. Can’t wait to add that to our routine and go there on a regular basis with daddy too.
- Saturday we stayed indoors the whole day. AOI started to climb the coffee table, dinning room chair and the dishwasher. We went into the garden for just 10 minutes. Getting ready took us more than thirty minutes. Once back in we danced to the playlist above. Just enjoying the little things in life for sure :)!
that’s how our week 11 went by.
This is week 11’s iPhone photo dump