Good Monday everyone.
How are you all feeling? How was your week 6?
Ours was a little blurry. Saturday and Sunday I was feeling a little under the weather; today I am better.
Yesterday when AOI woke up the first thing she asked was “Book”
Well, as usual our week 6 started off calm. AOI and I didn't do much on Monday morning. We went for a walk in the afternoon because it was just –6*degrees, it felt like spring (just in my imagination).
In the evening I went to the local library to tutor the young boy I am helping improve his Italian. I love tutoring.
Tuesday, when AOI woke up, I was inspired to capture our photo weekly prompt "Good Morning".
AOI is such a sweet muse. She loves being photographed and sometimes she wants to be the photographer but when she is in the right mood she likes to play in front of the camera.
I started snapping pictures downstairs. The sun was pouring into the kitchen so I decided to go upstairs where I was sure it was going be even brighter. AOI got hold of one of her favourite books then I helped her climbed our bed. The white and colourful dots duvet cover served as backdrop. Everything looked beautiful and perfect for our Good Morning prompt. She was having fun jumping up and down the bed. Hiding among the covers. I snapped and snapped.
For the last set of pictures she wanted to hold my wallet. She had it for some time and before going downstairs i took it away from her to put it back on the bedside table.
In demonstration of her frustration, she threw herself on the bed and stumbled on the camera. I tried to catch her but my hands we too slow in their intent. She fell down face first, cutting her forehead.
I am so worried for her because, when is cross or frustration she doesn't reason; she let her body weight go all soft and I find it difficult to support her weight. Plus, as she is getting older I find her strength and agility amazing. I am weak and slow when it comes to catching her before she can hurt herself. I pray for God's protection on our daily activities. I love being a mother but during those occasions I wonder how other mothers prevent their children from hurting themselves.
Wednesday we went to a local bookstore, while AOI napped in my arms, I read and edited my story.
Thursday we had playgroup date. The other mother noticed the cut on AOI's forehead and they all opened up about their children falling and cutting themselves at some stage. Some had to go to the hospital for those cuts. It was a little bit comforting to know that I am not the only one whose child falls and cuts or scratches herself.
In the afternoon I was standing in front of the sink washing dishes while AOI was napping in her playpen when it dawned on me how fast this week has flipped by. I couldn't believe it was already Thursday. Time is rushing past me so fast. I am glad I am taking time to note down some of my weekly activities. It doesn’t make me feel like just another empty entity on earth. I want to remember capture these moments in my life.
On Friday, I went for an hour walk. In the afternoon I went to shovel snow on the front house and them went for a stroll around the block to let AOI go for a nap. She loves going for walks, she calms down and sometimes fall asleep when she is tired.
As soon as we got home I put AOI in her crib for the afternoon nap and went to bake a birthday cake for her daddy, which she tasted once she got up. Chocolate strawberry jam filled two layered cake, yum!
For I promised taking hubby to Red Lobster for a dinner date but we had a yummy Thai meal because the first restaurant was packed..
Saturday we had a lie in. AOI slept throughout the night. I was so tired from walking so much the previous day, I didn't want to go out but then thought how good a dose of fresh would make me feel. So I joined hubby who needed a hair cut in the nearest mall. Afterwards we went to buy a decanter for his homemade wine kit I bought him for his birthday. Oh, I also gave him a classic acoustic guitar. He has been playing non stop since he received it. He even played it yesterday to sooth AOI to sleep.
Sunday was another struggling day. I was close to give in being out of the house. I was tired again. We went to church and service wasn't even over that I wanted to get out. I couldn't concentrate, I was having a bad headache. Once we got home and had lunch, Tim Horton's – mia culpa – we went out again. While I was getting ready I mentally debated why don't I just say I don't want to go out? Maybe I need to go out. So we went to ice skate. Where we live in Canada, there is a public ice rink where anyone can go an borrow a free skates and skate as long as you want. That's what we did. I looked goofy but I felt better after waddling around the ice rink. After the physical activities, we went to one our friends' apartment for a potluck. We we got back home I made my own special cold infusion. And went to bed at
22:30 23:45 because I decided to clean the bathroom and then read a book.
That was our week 6 of 2013. Hope your week 7 has started well.