hope your weeks started with right foot.
i still have butterflies in my stomach {my heart is in my throat and is pulsing fast, those are the butterflies sensation} for how our weekend went.
where do i begin?
friday: i ordered the birthday cake once back home and AOI got up from her nap i decided to shoot her first birthday smash cake. it was fun experience. once i finish the shoot she wanted more cake so i let her wash herself with the messy cake.
that evening we went to pick my mother from the airport. it’s so nice of her to be here for AOI’s first birthday, she still feels bad for not being here when i was a new mum but i’m okay with that because i loved the bonding between hubby and i during the early days of AOI’s infancy.
saturday: stress kicked in because we went party food shopping and finally it hit hubby that the party was going to happen. he was worried that maybe nobody will turn up and we would just be buying things for nothing. also we were indecisive about party favour bags.
sunday morning: we talked to one of my sisters in law who suggested we do party favour bags. so after church we stopped by homesense, dollarama and walmart to buy few items for the bag, flowers and cupcakes toppers.
we made a dash visit to the baby shower happened at hubby’s colleague’s house. we stayed for about an hour, just in time for a nibble, photos and gift unwrapping. it was such a great feeling because, as hosts mentioned, just last year we were the couple sitting there unwrapping baby gifts.
i was still setting the table when we had to welcome early party comers. anyway this is how the table turned out
the pictures are bit blurring and i’m so annoyed but thank goodness i managed to get few in focus {this the moment i wish a pro photographer was at disposition}
AOI could take she was the center of the party, she was happy most of the time. she cried after we all sung happy birthday song. she was about to touch the flame of the candle when in a roar everyone said NO! i took her upstairs to comfort her and once she was back she was her happy self again. i believe child’s party is never the same without a little cry.
as parents we enjoyed the afternoon.
when people started pouring into our living room hubby was relieved and happy to see all the friends AOI and I are making thanks to the playgroup. initially he thought the only children coming were five children, all from his work colleagues, but in the end five more children, three the same age group as AOI, from the playgroup came at the party. i was so happy to have my own friends over. not friends acquired thanks to hubby but friends that only AOI and I have made.
our living room floor was an ocean of multi-coloured blanket and colourful toys to play with
without each one of them the party would have being full colour i it was. AOI loved it when everyone sung happy birthday. she clapped and grinned.