GOOD MONDAY ALL MY LADIES, i haven’t posted a Monday post in AGE! we i have few updates on our garden – not that i mentioned anything before but well...
we started weeding last weekend – i did most of the work
also hubby cut down some tree branches
it was such a lovely day, i took some pictures of my sweetheart in a swing daddy improvised by tying her car seat to a tree
yesterday the weather wasn’t sunny but in the morning hubby built a cage to prevent the birds picking at our salad
nice work eh?
later i helped him plant potatoes, carrots, onion, beets, courgette, corn.
{the blossom of the trees are shedding}
this year we’ve made a path between each vegetable to make room for weeding and watering. i am excited about the garden and weeding is such a fun way to relax.
we didn’t even finish planting that it started to rain – how lucky, God was providing the service :D!
How was your weekend?