This week was another busy week, but very enjoyable.
Monday, in the morning we stayed at home, reading and writing. In the evening I went to the writing group I and another woman have started. It was great to be among people with the same passion and focus. We really want to make it work, for this reason we will meet every Monday from 6pm to 8pm. I have to leave you alone with daddy so that I can go to this group. I really hope you don’t mind - i am sure you don't mind - because I want to make it work. You are inspiring me to work harder at my passion. I want to earn for the title I’ve given to myself: WRITER.
Tuesday we I had a BUSY day, well when I have a busy day your day is busy too. In the morning I had to send some poems out for possible publication in an anthology. In the afternoon I was interviewed for the local newspaper – showing my neighbourhood which I don’t know very much about but I willing to show they around. It was just ten minutes interview and a quick portrait, I hope I look good in it. I would have loved to have you in the photo but it was cold and you looked so comfortable in your car seat I didn’t want to take you out. I am trying to network for my writings.
Saturday we went to the swimming pool as a family of three for the first time. yesterday we drove to church but the door was closed, because i am sure the service was held in another venue.
we were going to the mall when i phone one our friends to invite her for a poetry evening. i received a missed call from earlier, they wanted to invite us for a picnic at the outdoors rink. we went to join them at our favourite ice rink.
the sun was bright and shining.
she prepared some pita bread sandwich.
we were the only three young families there.
this time i couldn’t resist trying skating a little.
we also skated as a family.
oh, you can laugh, i look awful, i look like… hahaha, LOL. after ten minutes i was tired and my back was killing me, but i loved it!!!
our Sunday was long but not lazy. in the evening i went to listen to some poetry. we really enjoyed our weekend.
how was yours? what did you do?