Today we went to church. It felt good to listen to the word of God. The message was very beautiful and touching. The preacher reminded the congregation that Jesus’ might is there to help others and we shouldn’t be afraid to ask Him and His Father {our Father} what we most desire. It was a great message to return to church to.
Once we came home hubby grilled the home burgers he prepared in the morning before church. He served it with grilled bacon, wrapped in tortillas bread with salad and cheese.
He also fried potatoes chips, everything was YUMMY.
Well, after such heavy lunch we both felt we needed to relax. We lounged in front of Netflix. Little Miss AOI just finished feeding and she is sleeping :).
I am off to read some pages and then fall sleep.
As you can read, today was a VERY lazy Sunday in my city :). I really enjoyed this weekend.
How was your weekend? Hope you too had a great one.