... in Waskesiu, Prince Albert National Park, was memorable, even with the vampires
mosquitoes trying to suck all our blood. They are vicious and blood thirst. I was always fighting against them, I killed some and some sucked our blood. We went to a campsite that is secluded in the forest, therefore it was inevitable for us to get so close to all types of wide life. Deers were our every day neighbour. They were shy of humans, but came to eat in the around the campsite when they thought we were not observing. Hubby captured a picture of one that reminded me of Bambi – 
so cute!
We also saw few elks. The cutest scene happened on a rainy day. The beach was empty, we were chilling and drinking hot chocolate under a nearby public kitchen shelter when we saw an elk crossing the street with her little one – so, SO sweet!
The following day we went to chill under the sun.
It was a perfect short holiday, but we really enjoyed it. It combined our love for nature, water and sun together. We minded about the mosquitoes, but it didn’t make us not want to go there again. It is also a family friendly place and although some people looked at us, we know they were looking because truth to be told… we are darn cute mixed race couple ^_^!. Well, we can’t wait to go there with our little baby.